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6 Examples of UK Species That Need Urgent Protection

The United Kingdom is home to a diverse range of plant and animal species, each playing an important role in maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystems. However, with the growing threats of climate change, habitat loss, and pollution, many of these species are now facing the risk of extinction. In this blog, we will explore some of the UK species that urgently need our protection and conservation efforts to ensure their survival.

Red squirrel

The iconic red squirrel population has been declining rapidly due to the introduction of the non-native grey squirrel. Red squirrels are now mainly confined to isolated pockets in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland - conservation efforts are crucial to protect their natural habitats and manage the grey squirrel population to prevent further displacement.


Hedgehogs, once a common sight in the UK, have seen a significant decline in recent years. Habitat loss, road accidents, and the use of pesticides are the main contributors to their decline. By creating wildlife-friendly gardens, providing shelter, and reducing the use of chemicals, we can help maintain hedgehog populations and protect their natural habitats.

Water vole

Water voles are one of the UK's most endangered mammals. The destruction of their wetland habitats and predation by non-native American mink have caused a drastic decline in their numbers. This means that the restoration and conservation of wetlands, along with the control of invasive species, are essential for their survival.


Bumblebees play a significant role in pollination and maintaining biodiversity. However, habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change have led to a decline in their populations. Protecting and restoring wildflower meadows, reducing pesticide use, and creating bee-friendly gardens can help provide suitable habitats and food sources for these important pollinators.


The skylark, known for its melodious song, has experienced a significant decline in recent decades due to intensive farming practices and loss of suitable grassland habitats. Conservation efforts such as agri-environment schemes, creating grassland habitats, and reducing pesticide use can help protect and restore skylark populations.

Atlantic salmon

The Atlantic salmon, an iconic fish species in the UK, is facing numerous threats, including habitat degradation, pollution, and overfishing. Protecting and restoring their spawning grounds, implementing sustainable fishing practices, and reducing pollution in rivers and coastal areas are essential for the survival of this species.

Here at Lizard Landscape Design and Ecology, our expert team of ecologists are able to undertake all ecological surveys, including protected species surveys, such as for badgers. For more information on our ecological services, then don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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