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Phone: 01903 216033


Badgers are one of the UK's most iconic mammals and receive protection under The Protection of Badgers Act 1992. Under the act it is a serious offence to kill, injure, interfere or take a badger. It is also an offence to damage or interfere with an actively used sett unless a licence is obtained. 

The Survey

Should a badger sett be located within an adjacent to the potential development site then a period of sett monitoring will be required. The survey will monitor the sett for a period of 3 weeks using a combination of infrared cameras, sand traps and hair traps to allow the usage of the sett to be defined. Should the sett be found to be active and damage unavoidable, then a Licence from Natural England will be required before any development can proceed. 


Our consultants can work with you to provide solutions to all aspects of badger mitigation. In addition to surveys we can provide the following services:

  • Advice on how the badger sett can be incorporated into any proposals
  • Territory size estimation using bait marking
  • Badger sett closure
  • Artificial sett creation
  • Badger exclusion works
  • Habitat creation and enhancement

LLD has a proven track record of working with different organisations to provide effective advice on all aspects of badger survey and mitigation. 


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